Benefits of earthing and grounding

Benefits of earthing and grounding

There are so many great benefits of earthing and grounding that you will be amazed. Did you know that people nowdays are off the ground most of the day? If you think about it, you are sleeping in a house, putting shoes on each time before stepping outside and driving a car or sitting in a bus few hours a day. You are completely isolated from the ground and there are so many benefits of earthing and grounding. The few occassions you are walking outdoors and would have the opportunity to touch the ground with bare feet, you are wearing shoes with non-conductive materials such as rubber or synthetic foam. You are being totally isolated from the earth.

Is grounding a real thing?

Now you might be thinking, but what’s wrong with being off the ground? Well, us humans we are electronically charged creatures. Your hair can go up after rubbing your hair with a balloon or you may get an electronic shock from another people. There is electricity going through us and so is in the earth. We need that power we get from the earth. What really happens within you when being barefoot on the ground is that any positively charged ions are being neutralised with negatively charged ions called electrons.

You can actually see it all yourself with your own eyes by using a specific meter. To measure the levels and whether you are grounded or not, you are holding the gadget while the other end is in the ground. Wearing rubber sole shoes gives you no reading at all, whereas being barefoot gives you a nice reading right away. This gadget simply proves how shoes for instance completely blocked the electric flow.

One of our favourite brands built around grounding is Earthing. They have different daily products to make it easier to ground, also sandals and yoga mats.

Benefits of earthing and grounding content


Physical and mental benefits of earthing and grounding

Grounding (or earthing as some prefer to say) can positively affect on your mood, sleep, wound healing and immunity. It can also reduce stress, inflammation, pain and jetlag. If we travel, we always go walk barefoot in the new country after the arrival. People travelling between continents have actually said grounding to be very useful in avoiding jetlag and feeling refreshed after a long flight!

We believe that grounding and earthing is the core of the whole wellbeing as it balances, decreases stress and makes you feel more centered. Living in Northern Europe for years (and being isolated from the ground for months during the cold winter seasons) felt a lot different from the everyday life in the warmer countries.

Grounding, or earthing as some might prefer to say, is also great for the feet. Walking barefoot on an uneven ground increases your balance and keeps your soles healthy. Kids and elderly people especially are said to benefit from being barefoot outdoors as they need to improve their balance.

Video you have to see…

If you are interested to learn more about grounding and how it can impove your health in so many ways, watch this video today! Everything is explained in an easy and simple way and it all just makes sense.

Why grounding is good for kids…

Every parent know kids love to be outdoors and usually love to walk and play barefoot. We have actually seen a positive change in our kids after being more barefoot; they are happier, more balanced and sleep better.

Kids can even take naps outdoors lying on a sheet (I wish I had known about grounding earlier and I would have let the kids nap on the ground when they were babies). Kids especially need to be in contact with the earth and the soil. Instead, most of the kids nowadays are always wearing shoes, are sitting in stroller or being carried around.

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